Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lazy Sunday Mornings

So, church doesn't start till 1pm, and it's kinda wonderful. I woke up and finished the Count of Monte Cristo, which I've been working on for a few days now. I read the abridged version when I was in 7th grade, but now I've finally managed to conquer the full version. I'm going back to the Aeneid, which I began in Paris, but haven't had the time to finish.

At work there's not a lot to tell. I go in from about 8 to 6 everyday, we get trained on the computers and in accounting, and go home. There will be an end of unit test next saturday, which will cover all we've studied. They are planning on showing the scores to all of the prospective groups (I'm already placed in a group, but they show everyone's to all of the groups, and the people who aren't placed get selected based on 1) how much the groups like them and 2) how well they did on this test), and they post the scores in the hallway to tell all of us how we did... Shoot! I'll probably spend some serious time next week getting ready; my Managing Director told me he expects me to score number one in the class, and I told him I would, so I've got to make good on my promise...

Life is good. I am meeting a lot of people, both at work and in the ward, and I am loving it! Until next time!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

for some reason i am pretty sure you won't break your promise =)