Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Of lemonade and pizzas

So, I went to the grocery store when I was hungry this evening--I know everyone says you shouldn't go when you're hungry becuase you don't buy the stuff that's GUIs fir you, but let's be honest, when you're hungry is when you get all the good stuff. So I walked in, and lo and behold the first thing I saw was the bread. And what bread it was! I don't know if I ever told you about Le Gay Choc (the gay shop) bakery across the street from my relatively prudish Parisian domicile, but it was an amazing bakery all staffed by--well, use your imagination. And they had the most amazing cheese bread. It was this normal bread but it was ten times more greasy (actually, check that: is normal bread greasy?) than usual and it was covered in asiago cheese and it was to die for. Well, I saw a loaf that looked just like the Choc's cheesy bread so I snapped it up immediately. I could already tell this would be a fruitful hunger buying experience. Oh what joy!

Well, I kept along through the bakery till I saw another antiquity -- blueberry bagels. Those who knew me during my fake freshman year (ie the second one) will recall that I was obsessed with the blueberry bagels. I even almost burned down the apartment once. That's a story for another night, though. Actually, at first all I saw was cream cheese, so I grabbed the big tub (no fat removed... I'd hate to ruin my walk down memory lane) and moved on to find the bagels. I trundled past the Mexican food (which I thought was the reason I had gone to the store in the first place, but you must beware the power of the store. It has a mind of it's own) till I found the frozen pizzas, grabbed a few at three times the college price (Totinos, Totinos, where did you go?) and headed back to the bread aisle, toting a bottle of Simply lemonade as I went. I put a bag of blueberry bagels in my basket and turned.

Then I saw them. They were beautiful. I had to have one. I reached out my hand and almost grasped the ho-ho's in my hand before I saw what had become of me. I was a monster, like Frodo I had seen the darker, inner me, but as my own Samwise pulled me back from the brink, I rushed from Mordor, raced to my car, and contentedly chomped on my Choc bread...

Mmm... Too bad I left my computer cord in Colorado or I'd tell you more...

Sent from my iPhone


Unknown said...

Jeff this is awesome. I do this sometimes too. Enjoy the blueberry bagels, I can still smell the burnt smell in the air of 142....

Lindsay said...

haha this made me crack up, jeffrey you are too funny..ah yes totinos pizza for less than a dollar!

Ashley said...

haha, i don't remember the blueberry bagels!! oh freshman year, fun times